Order/Contract | Orderer/Client | Year |
Construction of a compressor station | Koksownia Zdzieszowice | 1994 |
Daily storage containers for components needed for the fabrication of mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Coating system for the coating of mineral rock wool with glass mat | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Cable duct systems in the production hall of mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Conveying machinery for drums in the production of mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Aeration system in the production of mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Packaging system for mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Modernization of fresh air suction units | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Supporting structure for the controlled crushing system in the production of mineral rock wool | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Containers for purified process water V=200m3 and V=300m3 | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Cooling system for compressors | Saint Gobain ISOVER Polska Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1994 - 2004 |
Modernization of the cooling tower at KWK Gliwice (colliery) | Gliwicka Spółka Węglowa | 1995 - 1997 |
Construction of the fan cooling tower for KWK Makoszowy (colliery) | Gliwicka Spółka Węglowa | 1995 - 1997 |
Steel construction of sparks capture device for carbon dust silo | Huta Batory Chorzów | 1996 |
Steel construction of storehouse | BUSTER Gliwice | 1996 |
Steel construction of the super market in Gliwice | Spółka A&J Gliwice | 1996 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann- boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Szpital Psychiatryczny w Toszku | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Walcownia Metali Łabędy | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Zakłady Tworzyw Sztucznych Nitron Krupski Młyn | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | FME INDUKTA Bielsko Biała | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | HJ Heinz Polska – Pudliszki | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Reiter Automotive Poland Katowice | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Elektrownia Komorzany Czechy | 1996 - 2002 |
Steel chimney for heating station with Viessmann-boilers, client GREG Gliwice | Górnośląskie Centrum Rehabilitacji „Repty” Tarnowskie Góry | 1996 - 2002 |
Construction of a laboratory building | Politechnika Śląska w Gliwicach | 1997 |
Radan Sp. z o.o. Gliwice | 1998 | |
Steel construction of MiniMAL supermarkets in Gliwice, Racibórz and Tarnowskie Góry | GPBP Gliwice | 1998 - 1999 |
Construction of roofing for a gas station | Jastrzębie Zdrój | 2003 |
Since 2002 we have manufactured over 40 regenerative air preheaters (APHs) and gas-gas heaters (GGHs) as well as quite a lot of spare parts. The constructions delivered were mounted all over the world. The most important deliveries have been sent to generating plants in England, Austria, Bulgaria, Chile, France, Spain, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Kuwait, Germany, Slovenia, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Scotland and Wales. Our major client for the manufacturing of regenerative air preheaters (APHs) and gas-gas heaters (GGHs) is ALSTOM Power Energy Recovery GmbH, a company located in Bammental/Germany.
Since 2002 (according to the documentation of Alstom Power Energy Recovery GmbH ) we have produced over 16.000 tons of heating elements for coal-fired power plants in the following countries: England, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Spain, Holland, Iran, Yemen, Crete, Kuwait, Libya, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovenia, Sudan, Syria, Sweden and Turkey.